Hair Serum vs. Hair Oil: Which One Is Better For You?

Hair growth serums are formulated with active ingredients to improve hair health and have stepped their game upward. Serums like these satisfy many people's desire for silky, smooth, long, and luscious hair.

Hair growth serum promises many hair care benefits but is it better than hair oils? To know this, first, we should know how hair serums and hair oils are different. 

Let us start bifurcation of Hair Serum Vs. Hair Oil:

What is a hair serum? 

Active ingredients are present in hair serums. In addition to helping condition hair, they are among the solutions you can look for in solving these problems. The serum molecule is small, so it quickly penetrates the scalp and works more effectively than oil.

What is hair oil? 

On the other hand, hair oiling is a practice that has been passed down to us. Hair oils are just naturally sourced cold-pressed oils that benefit hair in a significant way. The benefit of hair oiling depends on the type of hair oil used.

Which is better for hair fall control?

Hair Serum is a better option when it comes to hair fall. The active ingredients in Hair Serum are very potent.

As a result, your hair will be conditioned, damaged cells will be repaired, hair texture will be improved, and blood circulation to your scalp will be increased to nourish your follicles.

Serums' small molecule size is very small, so they can easily penetrate the scalp and work more efficiently. 

Which is better at strengthening your hair? 

The answer to this depends on what type of strength you are talking about. If your hairs have brittle ends or are frizzy, you need good hair oil to help them regain power. In addition to increasing the hair's tensile strength, it reduces frizziness and prevents breakage.

On the other hand, if your hair is more prone to breakage from the scalp, meaning your hair roots are weaker, a hair growth serum will be what you need. 

Which is better at smoothening your hair? 

Hair oils do a better job when it comes to smoothening the hair strands. A physical barrier between the hair cells can be created by hair oils such as castor oil and olive oil, which can prevent moisture loss from reaching the hair roots and can make hair shinier and smoother. 

To Conclude:

It is a very opinionated choice when it comes to hair oil vs serum. You can use hair serums if you suffer from some hair problems and cannot cure them conventionally. Hair oils are great for moisturizing and help prevent dry and brittle hairs. It's up to you to choose between these two. Try and experiment to find the one that will work for you.


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